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Breast Cancer Awareness Month

Remind Her

The one-month campaign aims to educate the public about the importance of early detection of breast cancer, and encourage mammography, which the program offers to all women, and also includes some activities, including:

•Awareness sessions
•Online Lessons


A mammogram is the most accurate method for early detection of breast cancer. With a mammogram, breast cancer can be detected before you notice any problems in your breasts, as it can detect cancer when it is small in size and easy to treat without losing the breast. Therefore, it is recommended that all women have a mammogram every two years, starting at the age of 40 (and possibly earlier if you have a family history of breast cancer).

Monthly Breast Exam

The Best time for a breast self -examination is about a week after your period ends, when your breast are not tender and swollen

In the shower

• Hold arms above the head.
• Use the three middle fingers.
• Press slowly in circular motions on all breasts and the underarm area. Repeat the examination on the left breast using the right hand.
• Soap helps the hands pass more smoothly and makes it easier to detect lumps.

In front of the mirror

• Stand in front of the mirror and look at your breasts, and make sure that there is no difference in shape or size between the breasts.
• Hold arms at your side.
• Hold arms over your head.
• Press your hands on your hips and tighten your chest muscles.
• Bend forward with your hands on your hips.

Lying down

• Lie down on your back with a pillow under your right shoulder, then use the pads of the three middle fingers on your left hand to check the right breast.
• Press using light and firm pressure in a circle without lifting your fingers off the skin.
• Keep pressing your fingers in an up and down pattern.
• Feel for changes in the breast, above and below the collarbone and in the armpit.
• Repeat the previous steps on the left breast using your right hand.

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